CLARITY… What is it all for?


Our motto: "Building Ultimate Fireground Performance"...


The other day, I found myself questioning our purpose and impact. Below details my thought process and the picture of the notepad of the thoughts and the process of how I got to this conclusion. I want to share how we got there, because without understanding what you really provide, you will never reach your fullest potential and your true mission can never be accomplished or realized. 


"Building Ultimate Fireground Performance”


...but why only on the fireground. Good leaders build people, relationships while also building better craftsmen. Simon Sinek discusses the infinite game. Your purpose has to be bigger than anyone or any specific industry. It’s not and cannot be about the money or the personal benefit. Our mission has to be about more than fireground performance it has to be about life. This allows the mission to continue and your purpose to be greater. 


We build Firefighters, We build Relationships, We build Instructors, We build People, We build Leaders, We build the Brotherhood, and We build Bad Asses


After mindful jotting on the notepad, I arrived at TIME. I first questioned what our primary mission, responsibilities and duties are. Ensure the rig is checked in and ready to respond, PPE on the apparatus, and lights and sirens operational. Skills are sharpened to respond quickly, rescue victims and extinguish the fire, all to save time.


We perfect the craft because we are competing against time before the structure becomes well involved, before the victims are overcome by smoke and heat, and before our own time runs out. At the same avail, we are also trying to provide time for the victims. Time for them to live, to spend time with their families, and time for them to make an impact in the world. 


Time for Rescue, Time for survival, Time for family, and Time for Life


Why is time so special and the main focal point for us? Because nobody can buy time. It is one thing in this world where we are all on the same playing field. Things can be replaced, and houses rebuilt but nobody can get back time. It doesn’t matter if you are a famous, rich or poor, different nationality, age or gender. Time is irreplaceable. 




Every organization needs to be clear and understand who they are, what they represent and how they do business. Rogue TC, like many others, are always seeking to gain greater insight into our impact and our organization. Moving forward, TIME will be a focal point in our operations. Not only time to rescue victims, stretch hose, or force a door, but also time with each other, our students, and our family. 


We train, instruct and perfect our craft to provide the one thing that nobody can buy, but want more of… that is TIME


“10 Pounds of Pressure, 100% of the Time”: How to Make Things Happen


Reckless & Too Aggressive