Unintended Sacrifice

For all of us, we chose to dedicate our time and life to the fire service to help others and serve the community. We made the decision to place our well-being above all else for the greater good, but what is the unintended consequences of our decision to choose a career in the fire service?
Our profession requires us to be gone away from our families for nights on end, missing special occasions, birthdays, holidays and much more. Our families spend nights without us, alone 1/3 of their lives. Many times, we think of the firefighters, paramedics, and other public safety people as making the sacrifice, but we chose this path in life. The people making the sacrifices are those background of the public safety personnel; their families. These individuals experience the unintended sacrifice, because it wasn’t their choice or decision but one that comes with supporting your wife, husband, son, daughter, brother, sister, father or mother. These individuals are making the sacrifice, often much more than those in the profession. We, in the profession, are excited to go to work and do what we love, but for those we love, it’s not their love of the profession and can even be a hatred of the profession because of the sacrifices they have to make. I think most will tell you they love that their significant others are in the fire service, but think it comes with some hesitation.

I, more than most, often take for granted the amount of support I have towards my passion and my profession. I often don’t tell that to my wife or family often enough. Apart from working shifts, I spend days away for training, education, teaching and conferences. My wife always supports my pursuit of the job; sometimes with hesitation, but support nonetheless. When ever asking to be gone for a week or a few days, I usually get the eye roll, but then support following, “If you feel you need to go, I will support that”. If you want to be great in our profession, it is important that we do so with the love and support of our families. When we neglect them or dismiss their sacrifices, it will begin to take a toll.

For all those who are out their dedicating your time to the fire service and the community, stop and think about how much your family as supported you in your pursuit of the fire service. These are the people who are taking on a greater burden so we can pursue something we are truly passionate about. Not only are we gone, but they are expected to pick up the slack when we are away. House issues, chores, kids, and much more are all dumped on our significant others while we travel the country chasing the uncatchable; perfection.

To all those significant others behind the front line personnel, I commend you! Your sacrifice has not gone unnoticed and if your significant other hasn’t told you so, they are grateful!

For all those in the fire service, Be grateful and understand how your passion impacts others both good and bad and try to acknowledge those who sacrifice for you, so you can can do what you love and be the keeper of the city.


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