My Opinion:

Many years ago, the fire service discovered the greatest way to fight fires. This was revolutionary and was going to change the fire service landscape forever. Save firefighters and extinguish the fire…. Not so much

The transitional attack came into the fire service like a lion and quickly swept the fire service off their feet. The greatest fire service tactic for fire suppression since the dreaded fog nozzle (we will hit on this in another post). But I want to express some thoughts of transitional attack for your considerations

Transitional Attack

•Does not Extinguish the fire

•Disrupts thermal balance in the structure

•Rebound effect causes the fire to come back

•Does nothing for victims, harms more than help (respiratory injury)

•Increases internal Pressure

•Decreases visibility

It has been proven by the UL and NIST research when a transitional attack occurs, the fire will rebound within several seconds. Our ability to put water adequately on the seat of the fire and surfaces of the room negates the water’s ability to work. This causes an increase in the internal pressure of the structure, forcing smoke, steam, and hot gases throughout the structure and right into our path of travel. The neutral plane, which can be so helpful for interior crews, is now voided. A transitional attack causes decreased visibility and spread steam throughout the building. This harms our patients as steam injuries are focused in the lower airway because steam travels the respiratory tract, whereas dry inhalation burns affect the upper airway. Which is easier for us to correct?

There are times when transitional can help.

•Delayed fire suppression

•Long stretches

•Fire in inaccessible areas

•Fire in voids, which is exposing to the outside

•Needed to make entry into the structure

If we are going to encounter any of these issues, we can maybe buy us some time for the line to get into a place or reach those are to reach areas.

Transitional, it seems everyone seems to automatically state, “I’m going to do a transitional attack”. A transitional attack is simply an offensive attack which you are starting from the outside of the structure. You are eventually going interior and if not, then you’re defensive. When we interrupt the physics of the compartment, it becomes an unknown. We are not sure where the heated gases are going, where they are going to vent, and if we will be able to make the push with the worsened conditions. The FIRE IS DOING WHAT IT WANTS TO, LET IT!!! If we take away the vent, where the hot gases are escaping, where are all the hot gases going. If the fire is venting from a window, that’s okay. Again, it’s physics, the smoke has reached the ignition temperature when it gets enough oxygen, it will light off. It’s called vent point ignition. Fire is easy, we need to concern ourselves with the smoke. Smoke is the most important symptom of any fire. Volume and Velocity.

Please go research the UL and NIST studies are this research. They even have videos to make it easier for you. EDUCATE YOURSELF.



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