Skills: Firefighter Survival

  • Mayday JPR

  • SCBA Removal: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YvQI1--hvWM

  • SCBA EBB: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrbZ1ITOScc


  • This is a long course which you can take. The link will allow you to create a login without being an IAFF member. This is a great class but you can slowly work through it. Attached is the pdf of the class as well. https://my.iaff.org/Web/Contacts/SignIn_withCreateNewAccount.aspx?LoginRedirect=true&returnurl=/Web/Events/Event_Display.aspx?EventKey=LMS_099

  • PDF: IAFF Fireground Survival


Tactics: Boise FD Multi-Family Dwelling PDF

This week we are focusing on safety and survival. When we are in trouble, we need to be able to rescue ourselves. like it or not, nobody else is coming for us. When they do, it takes time, which we don’t have. The skills for this month is to work with your SCBA and get familiar with emergency operations. Use the buddy breathing connection and understand how it works. Get comfortable doffing and donning the SCBA in no light and while trying to navigate obstacles.

To understand fireground survival, we will also look at the IAFF Fireground Survival. This is a lengthy course but I think it is important everyone have these skills. Slowly work through this course. This is a 16 hour course total. Attached is the PDF as well. The final part of this month will be the tactics. This is a great document of multi-family dwellings. Understanding how these are built and tactics to fight fires in these structures. Once you have done that, get out in your district or nearby districts to conduct your own size-ups. Try to identify different types of apartments such as center hall, garden etc.

I apologize for not getting my own videos completed. I was hit with covid for two weeks. Next month, we will get back on track with our own videos and content. Thanks and reach out if you have any questions.



